
Monday, April 23, 2012

HERMES Bikes and MONSTER Energy: a powerful combination.

                                       HERMES Bikes and MONSTER Energy: a powerful combination.
                                            Looking for the new MONSTER ENERGY Girl!




¿Por qué el ciclismo y no el béisbol? ¿Por qué la bicicleta y no la pelota? ¿Por qué el ciclismo? Cuando un sábado en la noche tienes que marcharte para casa mientras todo el “coro” se va de “party” y te preguntan: ¿Por que te vas? Y respondes: “Mañana entreno...” ¿Y qué juegas? …Yo juego a la bicicleta; soy ciclista. Las respuestas se ven en la cara de los que preguntan, muchos expresan admiración, otros se quedan curiosos, otros se ríen… hasta dicen “E´te tipo ´ta loco”.

La bicicleta es ese asunto que todo el mundo usó alguna vez, por la que tuviste predilección cuando fuiste pequeño; es ese deporte tan duro y extenuante que te hace perder la consciencia, capaz de ponerte el corazón a 220 pulsaciones, capaz de hacerte vomitar sangre.

Un deporte tan duro, como desesperante, en el que hay que ser paciente y tener sangre fría. Además de tener cabeza, no sólo son piernas. La cabeza hace falta, no sólo para aguantar el casco, sino para hacerte ver una escapada que te lleve al triunfo, la que te hace ver los bajones y puntos débiles del contrario mientras bajas por un descenso a 60 kilómetros por hora, la que te hace “administrarte” para no perder todas tus energías a mitad del recorrido.

Un deporte que es un estilo de vida, una forma de vida, el deporte que ofrece más orgullo personal, donde sólo -y repito “sólo”- el propio esfuerzo de tu cuerpo te hace ser capaz de recorrer kilómetros y kilómetros, donde cada entrenamiento es una superación personal, donde cada día que montas cargas un “mazo” de anécdotas nuevas, un deporte que te hace brillar, llegar a lo más alto, donde por mejor equipo que tengas no eres nadie si no eres bueno, si no tienes coraje, si no tienes valor.

Un deporte donde hay que tener agallas. Pocos se levantan un domingo lloviendo a las 6 de la mañana, disque porque hay que “montar”. Un deporte tan duro, que las caídas son parte de nuestro oficio, donde las clavículas, puntos de sutura, laceraciones y rodillas maltrechas son el pan de cada día, es el amor por el deporte, por la bici, por el sacrificio y por el sufrimiento los que te hacen caer un domingo y correr pocos días después todo adolorido.

Es un sacrificio tal que te hace tocar el cielo, con ascensos de 2000 metros sobre el nivel del mar, con caminos que sólo 3 más conocen, con pendientes del 21% en las que ni una 4x4 sube, pero un hombre y su sacrificio y vergüenza le hace aguantar y aguantar hasta el borde del infarto, cuando el sabor a sangre llega a la boca, cuando sólo piensas "soy el mejor", "soy el mejor", “yo subo”, "lo voy a lograr”…

Es ese deporte que hace emocionar a cualquiera, cuando ganas una carrera, cuando subes el ascenso más alto, cuando entrenas con un fuerte sol o una fuerte lluvia y vuelves para tu casa “debarata´o”, cuando te vas a kilómetros de casa a competir, cuando montas varias veces en una semana, cuando te caes, cuando te haces daño, cuando en otros deportes un golpecito en un músculo es 1 mes en la lista de incapacitados y en el ciclismo corres hasta con una luxación de hombro, cuando la gente te grita, cuando das espectáculo, cuando te apoyan, cuando te caes y te vuelves a levantar, cuando le echas más ganas que nadie, cuando tienes una ilusión, cuando cada día que montas más orgulloso te sientes, cuando te hace crecer como persona, cuando te hace madurar… La bicicleta te lo ha dado todo, te ha hecho ver los problemas y solucionarlos de otra manera. Eres de otra raza, eres ciclista.

Te da igual el reconocimiento, la prensa, las medallas y el dinero, tú sólo quieres trillos, montes, lodo. Hay que tener mucho coraje para bajar a 65 kilómetros por hora, por un camino accidentado, de material suelto, dejando de lado que sólo te separan de suelo 2 ruedas de 26 pulgadas, frágiles, que con un resbaloncito caes al suelo.

Por todo eso, porque te sientes orgulloso de llevar un jersey con unos colores, porque todo lo que llevas encima merece admiración, porque cuando subes una cuesta y te dan ganas de ir para casa (piensas "esto no es para mi ", "yo para eso no valgo" y sigues ahí, aún con el pulsímetro altísimo) y te preguntas “¿Por qué sigo aquí? Porque eres ciclista, porque el único rival eres tú mismo, porque lo serás hasta la muerte, porque eres un deportista de los pies a la cabeza, porque eres un sufridor nato y te mereces una felicitación por ese coraje.

¡El que no esta dentro de esto no sabe lo que es, como se vive, como se sufre!


Why cycling and not baseball? Why the bike and not the ball? Why cycling? When a Saturday night you have to leave for home while all the "choir" is going to "party" and they ask: Why are you leaving? And answer: "Tomorrow I train ..." And do you play? I play ... the bike, I'm cycling. Responses were seen on the face of the enquirers, many express admiration, others are curious, others laugh ... until they say "E'te type 't crazy."

The bicycle is the matter that everyone ever used, which you had when you were little predilection, is that so hard and strenuous sport that makes you lose consciousness, able to put the heart at 220 beats, can make you vomit blood .

A sport so hard, and desperate, which have to be patient and have cold blood. Besides having head, not only are legs. The head is needed not only to hold the helmet, but to make you see a trip that takes you to win, that makes you see the lows and weaknesses of the opponent while low by a decline to 60 miles per hour, you does "administer your" not to lose all your energy to halfway.

A sport is a lifestyle, a lifestyle, the sport that offers more personal pride, where only-and I repeat "only" - the effort of your own body makes you able to travel miles and miles, where each training is an improvement, where every day you ride loads a "deck" of new stories, a sport that makes you shine, to reach the top, where for the best team that you're nobody unless you're good, if you have no courage if you have no value.

A sport where you have to have guts. Few rise raining on Sunday at 6 am, because you have to dial "mount". A sport so hard, that falls are part of our business, where the collar bones, stitches, lacerations and battered knees are the daily bread is love for the sport, by bike, by the sacrifice and the suffering that make you fall on a Sunday and run a few days later all pain.

It is a sacrifice that makes you touch the sky, with ascents of 2000 meters above sea level, with only 3 more roads meet, with slopes of 21% which rises or a 4x4, but a man and his sacrifice and Shame stand and hold it to the edge of the infarction, when the taste of blood reaches the mouth if you just think "I am the best", "I am the best", "I raise", "I will achieve it" ...

It's the sport that makes any move, when you win a race, when you climb the highest rise, when you train with a hot sun or heavy rain and return to your home "debarata'o" when you're miles from home to compete, when you ride several times a week when you fall, when you get hurt, when sports a tap into a muscle is 1 month on the disabled list and in cycling run even with a dislocated shoulder when people screaming at you, when you give the show, when you support when you fall and you get to raise, when you miss him more eager than anyone, when you have an illusion, when every day you ride you feel more proud when you grow as a person when it makes you grow ... The bike has given everything, made you see the problems and fix them otherwise. You are of another race, you're cycling.

It gives equal recognition, the press, medals and money, you just want trails, hills, mud. It should be a lot of courage to go down to 65 mph, along a bumpy, loose material, leaving aside only separate you from soil 2 26-inch wheels, fragile, with a resbaloncito hit the ground.

For all that, because you feel proud to wear a jersey with colors, because all you are carrying to be admired, because when you climb a hill and you want to go back home (think "this is not for me," "I for that I am worth "and still there, even with the high heart rate monitor) and ask yourself" Why am I here? Because you're a cyclist, because the only opponent is yourself, because it will be until death, because you are an athlete from head to toe, because you are a sufferer born and you deserve congratulations for their courage.

That is not within this do not know what it is, how people live, as we suffer!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Vulvas At Risk? News for the female cyclist. Part 1

A recent Yale study written about in Monday's New York Times studied 48 "consistent" women cycllists who cycled at least 10 miles each week. They concluded that handlebar positioning can be a big determinant in whether women cyclists experience numbing and tingling in the soft tissues around their vulvas.

Here's how New York TImes writer Anahad O'Connor described the study:

"The women took their personal bikes and saddles into the lab. The researchers mounted the bikes on a stationary machine, and had the riders position their seats and handlebars according to their preference. As the women pedaled, they reported whether they felt soreness, numbness or tingling as a result of sitting on the bike seat, and a device was used to measure sensation in the pelvic floor."
In cases where the women's' handlebars were positioned lower than the seat, more numbing and tingling were "observed" in their perineums (that all important area of the anatomy that women seldom think of unless pregnant and about to give birth, or if it is saddle sore). In fact, the study's authors conclude that handlebar heights lower than saddle heights "significantly impact" genital sensation in women.

In one sense, this study is useful for city cyclists, and most especially for bike store owners who want to correctly fit bikes to their female owners to ensure they are comfortable and avoid this loss of genital sensation.

Otherwise, it's more or less no cause for alarm, due to a number of factors. First, as the Yale researchers pointed out out, they were studying competitivewomen cyclists, as this handlebar study was actually a subanalysis of an earlier study the researchers did on bicycle seats and competitive women cyclists.
Secondly, though there aren't fast and hard statistics, fewer female city cyclists seem to use the drop-bar handlebars or road bike models.
Thirdly, though again there aren't any statistics, city cyclists tend to prefer higher handlebars and a more upright positioning.
And lastly, bike fit and the type of saddle a woman chooses can vastly help to alleviate perineum pressure.
Stephanie Edman, a bike fitter explained to me when I asked her about saddle fit that when cyclists sit on a saddle they are generally resting on their sit bones (ischial tuberosities) as well as on a bony structure called the pubic rami. Choosing a saddle that provides good support to this bony structure is important. Softer cushy saddles or gel saddles might seem like a good solution, but if a rider is pressing soft tissue into that soft saddle there's still a chance that the dreaded decrease in "genital sensation" might occur.

The Yale researchers who studied the saddle issue concluded that cut-out saddles are NOT a good option for women riders (though in this case they mean competitive women riders).
So what's a female city cyclist to do? Get fitted to your bike – that can be done either before you buy or after you already have a bike. Having to reach too far forward to grip the handlebars is one thing to watch out for when getting fit to your bike.
Make sure your saddle is wide enough to support your bone structure (which can actually be measured with a device known as the Ass-o-Meter), and also make sure that when riding the saddle doesn't press unduly into your soft spots. Saddle noses can be adjusted up or down to aid this issue - you may have to experiment with minute adjustments up or down. Brooks saddles are known for their ability to, over time, conform to your body shape. Noseless saddles have a lot less area available to press into.